[Español] Había querido ilustrar una profesión noble, y ayer tuve la fortuna de conocer a Hugo, quien trabaja en el Departamento de Bomberos. Hugo e Israel fueron a saludarme mientras tomaba fotos de la fachada de la Estación de Bomberos en la que estan asignados actualmente.
Me explicó que su trabajo principal es proteger y salvar vidas, un trabajo que tiene haciendo con entrega por más de 17 años. Israel y el resto del equipo tienen más de 10 años de experiencia cada uno, además de la nueva adición de Ernesto, que tiene 22 años de edad y 6 meses trabajando en el Departamento.
Hugo tiene una personalidad social y extrovertida, le importan las personas y la integridad del equipo. Debo admitir que algo que dijo, me hizo el día... "si volviera a nacer, volvería a ser bombero...". ■
[English] I wanted to illustrate a noble profession, and yesterday I had the fortune to meet Hugo, who works at the Fire Department. Hugo and Israel came to salute me as I was taking photos from the façade of the Fire Station they are currently assigned to.
He explained that their main job is to protect and save lives, a job which he has been doing with passion for over 17 years by now. Israel and the rest of the crew members have over 10 years of experience, besides the new addition of Ernesto, who is 22 years old and has 6 months at the Department.
He has a very open and outgoing personality, cares a lot about people and the integrity of the team. I must admit that a phrase he told, made my day... "si volviera a nacer, volvería a ser bombero..." or "if I was born again, I would be a fire fighter again...". ■
[English] I wanted to illustrate a noble profession, and yesterday I had the fortune to meet Hugo, who works at the Fire Department. Hugo and Israel came to salute me as I was taking photos from the façade of the Fire Station they are currently assigned to.
He explained that their main job is to protect and save lives, a job which he has been doing with passion for over 17 years by now. Israel and the rest of the crew members have over 10 years of experience, besides the new addition of Ernesto, who is 22 years old and has 6 months at the Department.
He has a very open and outgoing personality, cares a lot about people and the integrity of the team. I must admit that a phrase he told, made my day... "si volviera a nacer, volvería a ser bombero..." or "if I was born again, I would be a fire fighter again...". ■