Mother, you were an unbeatable warrior, a tireless fighter who always faced adversity with courage putting a smile upon your face.
Thank you for stopping to help others and for finding adequate words to the hearts of those in your way, for giving unconditionally all of you to those who needed despite your own needs.
Thank you for each day you gave your life for me, that you were in my childhood seeking my happiness without expecting a payment other than seeing me grow and smile. Thank you for never getting tired during the long nights without sleep that I gave you.
Thank you for being such a loyal friend, an eternal confidant that was in my sorrows and enjoyed my accomplishments and joys. Thank you for letting me fall and letting me get up without intervening, because it made me a strong and humble man.
Thank you for the sacrifices you made to ennoble my soul and educate my spirit with kindness. Thank you for teaching me with your example.
If I ever failed to show you all the love you deserved, if I ever was rude and dumb, I beg your forgiveness. I pray that your spirit will inspire me to live an integral life, so that when my days on Earth come to an end, I can be considered worthy of you.
What I am today, I am because of you and your essence lives within me forever.
I know you had to leave, because an angel as noble as you can only belong to heaven.
I love you mom! ■